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5 posts tagged with "thinking"

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· 5 min read
Jimmy Chu
Site Author

因為最近 黑神話:悟空 的流行,讓我最近多接觸回西遊記的故事及思考裡面的一些情節。

看了不少 Youtube 視頻 的講解,明白了該遊戲原來在講一個作為體制一員的悟空,發現自己只不過是在多方勢力角力的棋子,不想繼續留在體制內而想盡辦法要離開,回到過去在花果山消遙自在的日子的故事。而該遊戲最好的結局,就是轉世的悟空 (天命人) 不需要再帶上頭上的緊箍。這也是在遊戲裡孫悟空一開始想出來的法子,消滅自己的驅體,保留元神 (根器),來迴避緊箍的封印。



  • 唐僧一行人去西天取經: 這其實是我們每個人在人生的修行,經歷人生的種種歷練。

  • 悟空和白龍馬: 就是我們平常會 心猿意馬 的心。白龍馬這個南海龍王兒子的戲份並不多。而悟空則法力無邊,並且有個筋斗雲隨處飛來飛去。這不就像我們的心,經常可飛到不同的地方嗎?

  • 悟空頭上的緊箍: 如來佛祖為了使悟空不再故作妄為,放了個緊箍在悟空頭上。但想想看,悟空在帶上緊箍前,雖然已法力無邊,但卻没有過什麼作為,能說的頂多就是到海龍王宮奪取如意棒,到天庭大鬧天宫。唯有在帶上緊箍以後,悟空,縱然一開始百般的不情願,終於可定下來,設好一個目標,保護他師父唐僧去取經,經歷九九八十一難,完成到西天取經的成就。在我看來,緊箍不是來限制悟空,而是來成就悟空


  • 唐僧:就是我們純真無礙的本心。唐僧在故事的設定是他的肉無比矜貴,妖怪們只要吃到唐僧肉,就能增加千年道行諸如此類。所以四方八面的妖怪都明裡暗地的爭奪唐僧。



箴言 4:23: 你要保守你心,勝過保守一切,因為一生的果效是由心發出。


· 3 min read
Jimmy Chu
Site Author


首先連政府人員也不敢,或不想直說 "那一天" 到底是哪一天。其實那一天不就是我寫本文的當天 - 六月四日。所紀念的就是 35 年前所發生過的天安門事件。從 2019 年起,當權者用不同名目禁示了人們到維園作六四紀念,政府也不願人們提起這事。小說 1984 就說過,那極權政府會改寫歷史,把事件從書本中,報紙上完全删掉,文字,園片 都一一移除。以前讀的時候還以為這是多麼的天荒夜談。但原來是可以在今時今日發生在我們的生活當中。國家想要人民遺忘某些事,抹去文字,抹去圖片,但仍是抹不走人們的記憶。有時越是煞有介事的要把事情捂起來,越是不允許人民說出口的事,越是大家心心念念想着的事情。當權者知道,人民也知道。但當權者就是不能去正視過去,正視歷史,從中去學習,從而修正前面領導國家要走的路。


On Human Differences

· 3 min read
Jimmy Chu
Site Author

At times, when I observe two individuals, one brimming with motivation, purpose, courage, and wisdom, while the other seems to embody the concept of 'average,' I find myself pondering the root of this disparity. This contemplation is not merely an intellectual exercise but a philosophical journey that holds practical implications for shaping the future generation.

I can come up with many possible answers, such as his background, education, and the environment he was immersed in. Eventually, this leads to his upbringing and his family. I could further argue that the lessons, thinking, and reflections he has learned and accumulated in his life make a difference. It is the choices he had made that, in turn, affected the environment he would be in next and the opportunity and network he would face. Furthermore, the choices, environment, and learning will shape one's character. As his character builds up, this further affects the choices he makes. These choices don't have to be significant at first. It could be like deciding to wake up early every morning and keep a morning routine of 45 minutes of meditation and body exercise. As a result, this gives him better physical and mental health and allows him to perform better in his workplace. In this scenario, the outcome of better working performance is determined when he decides to have a morning routine, a time that is not visible to everyone except himself. When all these small choices accumulate, they will slowly but surely widen the gap between two people's life trajectories.

Tracing time backward, we will see that his learning, upbringing, and decisions are the effect of decisions he made further in the past, and that, in turn, affect his future. When we trace all the way back in time, only two infants were born in two different families. So, what is the cause of their difference in life trajectories, assuming these infants are not abnormal in any scales?

When the kids are as blank as a white sheet, we can only look at the external factors. So a significant determining factor is their family, their parents, and, to a broader extent, the society they reach (yes, this "society" could be very different even if they live in the same city because the society again highly depends on the "class" their families are in). How the parents raise these two kids and what character-building principles and lessons the parents infused in the kids in their early stages will start causing the difference in their trajectories.

But what about the infants' own will? In the beginning, their will plays an insignificant, or at best, minor, role. It mainly depends on external factors. But as they live on, their own will become more significant in shaping their interest, decisions, careers, and thus opportunities. Consequently, what is mentioned in the second paragraph follows. What shapes a person's will at an early stage then? Well, I thought hard about it, but I can't come up with a reasonable explanation except deferring to chances and randomness. So a more complete picture should be that early in one's life, one's character and trajectory depend very much on the external factors one is in, whether it is the family, society, etc. However, the longer one has lived, the less likely we can attribute one's life trajectory to these external factors and randomness but more to one's learning and personal decisions.

Making a living as a contributor

· 3 min read
Jimmy Chu
Site Author

I want to blog again. This has been in my mind for a while: I wonder instead of being hired full time by a company, can I be a freelancer getting paid based on my contribution. This idea come from the realization that if I can get fully committed to my employer endeavor, it is great. But it has been the case that after working for my previous employers for a while, I become lukewarm at work, and it is too drastic to make a change in my position. So I play safe and continue to stay in my role for too long until I no longer could tolerate it.

But instead of this, I wonder is it possible to have a living mode as a contributor, where I am free to work for different projects that I am passionate about. I get paid based on the work I made during that period. If I start getting lukewarm on one project, I can leave the project and search for another project team to work for.

For this to be possible, it will require:

  • I be an expertise in certain domain and that domain is needed across different project teams. Fortunately coding and software development is such a domain.

  • There are enough projects that are publicly accessible that I can search for and join. Fortunately with the web3 movement going on recently. There are a lot of open source projects and blockchain-related project where if I'm interested, I can dig into the code and dive deep inside, to the point of even making a pull request and contributing to that project.

  • There are different grants in the web3 ecosystem to motivate developers to build in their ecosystem. For example there are Polkadot / Web3 Grant, Ethereum Foundation. There are also platform like Gitcoins, and different hackathon projects.

All these conditions seems to be mature. I also need to have a reality check with myself:

  1. Because it is usually project-based, there is a clear responsibility of what you (AND ONLY YOU) need to deliver by a certain time. You / your team are going to own that part of work. This clarity on responsibility should increase the motivation to get the job complete.

  2. You have to keep honing your skills in that domain, otherwise no one is willing to pay for your skill. Also, because you are not a full-time, you are more "disposible" to your client than their staff, and the only reason to continue engage with you in the price you demand is because you really worth the value you ask for.

  3. If you feel lukewarm about the project, it is time to reflect about your work make the necessary switch between the project / ecosystem.

  4. By default, you don't get paid if you are not involved in any project or if you are not delivering. This is also a motivation for you to engage in projects and deliver.

All in all, this is something I want to explore in the coming six months if I can make a sustainable living as a contributor, and also find if there are like-minded people. These people don't want to bound by a company / employer, instead they want to choose to engage in projects and works they feel passionated, or else taking time off to enjoy their lives or taking care of other aspects in life, all in their own terms.

Ultimately, I will be one to manage my own time and output.


· 13 min read
Jimmy Chu
Site Author



這次吃飯,各自聊過近況後,話題都不其然又回到我們之前為之死去活來的東西-創業。他認為做初創的人都是自私的,他們都在犧牲著家人的福祉來成就自己,又覺得當時這麼辛苦,都不知為了什麼?一方面所有事情都要自己一手一腳操辦,不懂寫程式,得邊學邊寫;不知怎樣找客戶,得硬著頭皮去碰不知多少的門釘;都是一個人在孤軍作戰。另外,錢也賺不多,而又總有這麼多可控及不可控的因素可使你滿盤皆落索。這樣把自己人生遊戲的難度調到地獄級,有必要嗎?後來和合伙人一起,又總是有爭拗,對整體發展方向,做事方式,對有限資源投放的看法都可能有歧見,最終不歡而散。沒合伙人有沒合伙人的煩惱,有合伙人也有合伙人的麻煩。反觀現在打工,工時穩定,收入穩定,收入是創業時的 10 倍。當時為何要如此作賤自己?


我自己也在創業,很能感受這份心理。銀行存款再創新低,點算?合伴人在外面接 “part-time”,而和你一起創辦的項目真成了他的 part-time,怎辦?就連拍拖談戀愛的心情都沒有,很多時回到家,只想在沒人騷擾的夜晚一個人靜下來休息。


這問題,我花了好幾年在反省。從知性角度,孟子當年也安慰過我們。他說「舜發於畎畝之中,傅說舉於版築之閒,膠鬲舉於魚鹽之中,管夷吾舉於士,孫叔敖舉於海,百里奚舉於市。故天將降大任於是人也,必先苦其心志,勞其筋骨,餓其體膚,空乏其身,行拂亂其所為,所以動心忍性,曾益其所不能。人恆過,然後能改;困於心,衡於慮,而後作;徵於色,發於聲,而後喻。入則無法家拂士,出則無敵國外患者,國恆亡。然後知生於憂患而死於安樂也。」1 。當然,你說這是精神自慰也不為錯。

創作者 井上雄彥 卻在他的漫畫 浪人劍客 裡回答了我的問題。創業就是讓自己踏上一場修行之旅,而唯有在經歷各種磨難後才能練就我們的心,在各種各樣的衝擊中學著用平常心看待一切,而漸漸發現也只有在這種心態下,你才發揮得最好,在當下作最好的決定,有最好的表現。而只有經歷過種種,從不斷的自我反思中,更深刻的瞭解自己,見自己,見天地,見眾生。



故事是以吉川英治的小說 “宮本武藏:劍與禪” 為藍本,但井上改編之多,我認為已成了他自己的作品。描述日本劍客宮本武藏的求劍成長之路。其實宮本武藏 其真人歷史 史料不多,所以閱讀時不用太當真這是否他本人的心路歷程,就當是作者想透過這人物表達的信息。


武藏為了成長,不斷去挑戰各地劍客,直到他遇到另一位槍 (長槍) 術天才,寶藏院的胤舜。宮本第一次和他比武差點丟掉性命。胤舜使他感到了死亡,打不過時,他本能的逃跑了。後來胤舜的師父胤榮救了他,但只是手裡拿著長槍面對他,已使武藏感到那次比武失敗接近死亡的恐懼,不敢面對,也面對不了。



其實,初創企業結束根本就是常態,我難道就不能接受我的初創項目要結束嗎?當我能接受這家初創項目也可能在 3個月後,6個月後要結束時,我反而學會平靜的想問題,感恩一路走來我受到身邊人們對項目的支持及教導。亦知道因為項目會結束,初創會死,我才會珍惜它所生。原來死的存在,使生變得有意義。死,成就了生。

第二幕讓我有所領悟的是武藏與吉岡 70門人對決。當武藏以為解決掉 70人,要離開戰場時,其中一名門人植田良平原來還有一絲氣息,他自知只能向武藏背部作最後一次攻擊,然後就要斷氣。武藏現已負傷,也沒留神,所以他如斬擊得精準,是可以把武藏擊殺,完成此戰他們的目標。井上為這一段起了個標題 - 僅此一刀

假如這是你人生最後的一刀,成也敗也,全在這一刀上,你會怎麼斬?你押上所有,就是為了現在這個機會。這時刻到了,你也意識到了,那你會怎麼斬?這是我當初的感悟。所以我常問自己,如果這事你只能作一次,是你的 “僅此一刀”,你會怎樣作?


第三幕,不能說是一幕,是一整段篇章。是說武藏在村子裡幫忙疏通水道及開墾農田。後來來了兩名細川家的家臣想請武藏回去仕官。武藏就是不願意,就是要先把農田開墾好才走。他們問為什麼?武藏本是武士,在村子耕作根本不是他的份內事,為何要堅持著去做?他看著天空,緩緩道出 “因為我不爽”。他定意要把這村莊的河道及農田弄好,讓村民們明年能從這田裡有所收獲。而他就堅持著要這樣做。不因名利,只因他認定這是他要作的事,這是他的路。旁人不明白武藏為何要堅持,但這都不重要,這是他的路。



  1. 舜從田間勞動中成長起來,傅說從築牆的工作中被選拔出來,膠鬲被選拔於魚鹽的買賣之中,管仲被提拔於囚犯的位置上,孫叔敖從海邊被發現,百里奚從市場上被選拔。所以,上天將要把重大使命降落到某人身上,一定要先使他的意志受到磨練,使他的筋骨受到勞累,使他的身體忍飢挨餓,使他備受窮困之苦,做事總是不能順利。這樣來震動他的心志,堅韌他的性情,增長他的才能。人總是要經常犯錯誤,然後才能改正錯誤;心氣鬱結,殫思極慮,然後才能奮發而起;顯露在臉色上,表達在聲音中,然後才能被人瞭解。一個國家,內沒有守法的大臣和輔佐 的賢士,外沒有敵對國家的憂患,往往容易亡國。由此可以知道, 憂患使人生存,安逸享樂卻足以使人敗亡。